How Can Data Backup Services & Remote Server Services Help Your Legal Firm?
It’s no secret that many legal firms are using remote server services and data backup services to backup important data. There are many factors that are constantly changing on a daily basis, including technology, laws and documentation requirements for attorneys and their law firms. So how can remote server services help you?
Why Is This So Important?
Remote server services and data backup services are companies that enable law firms to back up their computer files. They typically build the system around the law firm’s needs. Typically, all files are backed up once a day, during non-working hours. Most firms do this at night or early in the morning, before anyone enter the office. All the data files are gathered, compressed, and then encrypted for safety and privacy. Then, all your files are transferred to a remote server.
These services are really important for organizations that have to stay in compliance with federal laws, requiring maintaining and storing financial statements, annual reports and client files for several years or more. They can also be important for firms who need to have a structured archive of all their files for a period of several years. For example, it always makes things easier when you can reference a financial statement to the IRS or some other agency. It also makes things easier if you have extensive law cases, especially if there are numerous appeals processes involved.
Data Backup Services – How Do They Work?
How do these services really work? One of the first things we’ll discuss is the encryption. Any files or data that is being transferred from your law firm should be encrypted and it should be stored in an encrypted state. In addition, the method of encryption should involve at least 256 bits and should give you the option of using your own encryption key. This encryption key should never be sent to the server for any reason, as it can severely compromise the security and safety of your files.
Next, the company will back up multiple computers or servers from your law firm. Continuous backup can be done or a scheduled backup. It all depends on your preferences. Most providers are based on a schedule and will perform the backup at a scheduled time. Some services can provide a continuous system of backups, and this is usually the case with large international law firms. It is important to note that there is usually a trade-off with system resources and performance when using continuous backup services.
What Is The Cost Involved In Using These Services?
The cost associated with using remote server services is going to vary and depend on several things:
- The amount of data that is going to be stored.
- The number of computer systems that are going to be backed up.
- The number of versions of each file that is retained.
- Archiving periods and options associated with archiving.
- The options associated with retention of data.
- Unmanaged backups vs. Managed backups.
- The additional features available.
Some data backup services providers offer unlimited number of file versions, while others put a limit or a restriction on it. Some data backup services provide the capability to back up locked files, while others do not. In addition, some remote services provide the added feature of storing and backing up files that are currently open or in use. In addition, most of the services try to decrease the amount of files and data that is going to be sent remotely through backing up only files that have been changed.
There are many advantages to using this for your law firm. One of the most important advantages is that your files are backed up in a different location. While traditional backup requires taking the files to another location, remote backup services transfer all your backup files instantly.
In conclusion, it is important for your law firm to seriously consider using a data services provider. With all the laws changing, not just for citizens but also for the way attorneys run their law firms.
Can you afford not to use this kind of backup service? Of course you can’t. Using data backup services and remote server services is not only going to make life more convenient, but it is a sound investment in the health of your law firm.